Two years ago, I started to work on a women's fiction novel. I managed to write an entire first draft. I got the whole story down with the three acts, the ups and downs, etc. Although the idea was good, and I still think it's a good story, I had a hard time connecting to my characters. So I decided to put it on pause last year during the summer with the idea that I would return to it later.
I was in Paris with my daughter, walking in a park, when she told me, "Really, you should write something with animals talking instead of your women's fiction." This came after I was giving a voice to a bunch of ducks. Because this is what I do. I cannot help but either talk to animals I come across or give them a voice and make up stories. So yes, it made total sense. I couldn't believe it. How come I didn't think about it before? I needed to write something that would honor my connection to animals. They have always been part of my life, and even today, when it comes to my artwork, I paint giraffes, elephants, birds, and horses! The moment I heard my daughter's word of wisdom, it all got clear. That was the sparkle that initiated what became WANDERLAND.